
Five Smooth Stones

Five Smooth Stones

There have been many methodologies rising and falling in doing ministry. In The Five Smooth Stones, McQuilkin is trying to wed theology to ministry. He organizes this book into five...

Five Smooth Stones

There have been many methodologies rising and falling in doing ministry. In The Five Smooth Stones, McQuilkin is trying to wed theology to ministry. He organizes this book into five...

Spiritual Discipline

Spiritual Discipline

One thing from Whitney’s book that I would like to discuss here is his reflection on evangelism as a spiritual discipline. He points out that, “Unless we discipline ourselves for...

Spiritual Discipline

One thing from Whitney’s book that I would like to discuss here is his reflection on evangelism as a spiritual discipline. He points out that, “Unless we discipline ourselves for...

Missionary Methods

Missionary Methods

An old book that lays out the differences between the ministry of Apostle Paul and our modern church ministry —including mission. One thing that I found interesting in this book...

Missionary Methods

An old book that lays out the differences between the ministry of Apostle Paul and our modern church ministry —including mission. One thing that I found interesting in this book...

Reformation Women

Reformation Women

A concise and brief look into the story of 12 women in the 16th century and their contribution to the Reformation. Rebecca VanDoodeward outlines three reasons why it is important...

Reformation Women

A concise and brief look into the story of 12 women in the 16th century and their contribution to the Reformation. Rebecca VanDoodeward outlines three reasons why it is important...

A Clear and Present Word: The Clarity of Scripture

A Clear and Present Word: The Clarity of Scripture

Can we really be certain about what the Bible says and what it means? While this question nags many, and the clarity of Scripture has been debated among scholars, Mark...

A Clear and Present Word: The Clarity of Scripture

Can we really be certain about what the Bible says and what it means? While this question nags many, and the clarity of Scripture has been debated among scholars, Mark...

Christ and Culture Revisited

Christ and Culture Revisited

In Christ and Culture Revisited, Carson revisits the classic work of Niebuhr: Christ and Culture. Although there is no stated goal written in this book, Carson attempts to answer the question; “How...

Christ and Culture Revisited

In Christ and Culture Revisited, Carson revisits the classic work of Niebuhr: Christ and Culture. Although there is no stated goal written in this book, Carson attempts to answer the question; “How...